Lena Tchakmakian is a registered massage therapist operating in the North York area of Toronto (close to Victoria Park and Finch.)

Lena worked in a corporate environment for nearly 30 years. During the early 1980’s, she started to take an interest in alternative methods of healing. She began to attend personal growth seminars and retreats throughout North America. These studies gave her insight into the connection between mind, body and spirit and its effect on mental and physical health.

In 1998, Lena studied and earned her certification in reflexology. In 2002, she began to study massage therapy and earned her designation as a member of the CMTO (College of Massage Therapists of Ontario). She now helps people to alleviate physical pain and find their inner source of healing power. Her philosophy: "People should take more responsibility in maintaining their own health."

Lena has undergone a 2 year intensive training and practice and is certified practitioner of Healing the Luminous Body - shaman’s core practices of energy medicine.